понедельник, 30 мая 2016 г.

Crusader Defence: Level Pack II

The world of crusaders was cruel and full of battles. Despite the fact, that their mission was releasing people who don't believe in almighty God, their battles were bloody. Some people don't share your religion and they are ready to fight for it. Often there were raids on crusader castles, so knights had to defend their camp. What would you do if you were the commander of the army? There are things you could use efficiently in order to resist the exceeding enemy army? Your soldiers are ready to fight, but they want to hear straight order from you. There are some certain positions your soldiers can take to defend the road to the castle. However, this is not all. You can also place various traps, that can slow enemy units and launch boulders to deal a significant amount of damage. However, those traps and artillery are the things, you should not rely on. Your soldiers should be the main force of your resistance. Three types of soldiers in your possession and each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. There are knights, archers and pikemen that deal with enemy units with ease. However, they all require some gold to spend before summoning. The cheapest one is the pikeman, then we have archer and the knight is the most powerful unit. But you should think of your strategy and consider the landscape before starting the combat. Place the soldiers in the right positions and push the button to start the battle. Deal with enemy soldiers quickly, before they reach the doors of the fortress. Yet, you still have a chance, even if you miss one or few enemy units. The gates of your castle are strong, so they can handle the attack if you make one or two mistakes. But you should not rely on it and try to stop them where they are! Keep defending and face multiple waves of enemy soldiers and collect money to summon more minions if you need help. The money you need for improving your defence is gained through kills and neutral building. Click fast before the coin disappears and add new unit to your defence. Play also arcade games.
Crusader Defence: Level Pack II is a flash game for people who is fascinated with the battles of the past. You are free to upgrade your units and choose the position you like. Save your progress online and continue playing anytime you want. Improve your traps or train soldiers to smash the enemy and win the battle.

пятница, 27 мая 2016 г.

Thor Bring the Thunder!

Thor is the only defender of Asgard and the keeper of all nine realms. His mighty hammer gives him supreme power and seem there is nothing impossible for him. However, even gods often have problems and this game is about Thor's adventure. There is a huge problem in Asgard and only Thor can bring back the order of things. Grab Mjolnir and face your enemies on the battlefield, which you used to call home. Kill the enemies ahead and collect various bonuses that restore your health, increase the amount of points and charge you with god's energy. However, your enemies are cruel and agile, so you should better keep the distance if you see a bigger enemy. Duck to dodge their attacks or jump over their weapons. Throw the hammer or get in the melee range to knock them back. If you feel it's not enough, watch the energy bar and when it's full, release the energy of Mjolnir to deal damage to all enemies on the map. First of all, you have to deal with the enemies in the depths of Asgard and clear the area from the Enchantress and her minions. Release your friend and listen to her story in order to get things clear. Figure out, that your mission is not over and you have to travel among other nine worlds to see who stands after this nightmare. Every time you change the realm you will face completely different creatures which act other way and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Jump from one platform to another collecting bonuses, reaching checkpoints and trying to keep your HP full. Help Thor to complete his journey and avoid traps ahead. Feel free to choose any direction, as there are multiple roads that will lead him to the exit. Learn everything about the monsters on your way and choose the right tactics to improve your attack and defence. Consider the fact, that monsters are not the only dangerous thing you will meet on your way. There are spiky traps and pools with unknowns, but very dangerous liquid. Even that you are a God, you can't ignore all those things and should be ready to make counter moves. Play also arcade games
Thor Bring the Thunder! is the exciting game that reveals a magnificent story and the adventures of Thor. During this flash game you will see various worlds and experience dangerous adventures trying to save your friends and getting the answers. Play it online and save the progress of your journey to continue playing later.

пятница, 13 мая 2016 г.

Earth Taken 3

Have you ever thought about how would aliens look like? What will they come to us with, their goal or mission? Of course, we all realize that if they come to our planet, they possess more powerful technology than we do. Somewhere deep inside, we hope that they will come with a good purpose, to exchange knowledge, to learn something from us and teach us something they know. But, things often turn up to be quite different and out expectations crash with the first shot of the alien ship. When they came to our planet we have realized that this won't turn good for us and all inhabitants of the planet tried to defend it. Unfortunately, we have lost the war and all people were captured and stored in the alien labs for the future usage. However, our hero had waken up right in the middle of the moving conveyor and when he broke the glass he couldn't decide what to do. This will be the starting point of your adventure young hero! Considering the fact, that the air on the planet is a poisonous fume and no living creature can survive without a mask and a protective outfit you should insure the required amount of supplies to proceed through your adventure. Yet, it still won't be the one problem to solve as there are aliens patrolling the street and flying saucers in the air. You just can't go out on the street without a good weapon and people who will cover your back on this adventure. Deep inside the building you will find those, who will help you in this adventure, but first you have to release them. There are some packs of supplies that you can collect from aliens, dead bodies or even trash bins. Some of them contain food, protective elements and other useful stuff. Find the way to the shelter and get there before you run out of ammo and supplies. You should think of your further actions in the safe place so try not to get into some messy action. Play also arcade games.
Earth Taken 3 is a flash game for those, who loves post apocalypse scenarios where you are free to do anything, just survive. Become the leader in your small squad and make sure that your followers will survive this hell. Play this game and save the progress online to be able to play wherever you are. Show these aliens that this planet is not their home, but yours!

четверг, 12 мая 2016 г.

Wrath of the Titans: Titans Attack

Have you seen the Wrath of the Titans movie? This was a great movie revealing the story of Perseus and his father Zeus. Perseus is a simple fisherman who is struggling to live in this cruel world, but considering his past deeds he won't have a chance to live this life. The ancient world is a dangerous place to live, where every creature is powerful and deadly, but the Gods have ultimate power. This is all about to end when the ancient Titan Kronos tries to escape his prison. Gods can't handle him anymore, because people stopped praying to the Gods and they start losing their powers. Zeus, the father of Perseus came to his son asking for a help, but Perseus refused his offer. The only chance left for Zeus to hold the ancient Titan is to strengthen the wall of his prison, but he was betrayed. Now his life force is being sucked by the Titan and soon enough he will get free. This is a starting point of your adventure. Choose a hero you want to play for and start the mission for defending the village against hordes of ancient enemies. Pick Perseus or Andromeda and start the adventure at this crucial point. Test your ability to resist such terrible power and end the assault on the village. Are you that strong as the heroes of the movie? Test yourself in this flash game and see if you are as brave as Perseus. The graphics in the game is just stunning and probably no other flash game is that detailed. This picture allows you to feel the spirit of the game and have fun playing. This game is available online and you can experience the adventures of Perseus wherever you are now. Two characters have their own advantages and you can choose whether Perseus or Andromeda depending on what you like most, a bow or a sword. Spare none of your enemies and strike them fearlessly before they hit you in the back! This game will show you the mystic world of Gods and ancient Titans and the power they possess. Play also arcade games.
Wrath of the Titans: Titans Attack a perfect game for people who seek for something unusual and interesting. Here, the world looks completely different and creatures you meet in the game are totally unique. Help Zeus to escape the prison and don't let the ancient Titan destroy the world. Can you do that or you are just a simple man?